
Heritage Profile: Winston Laylor

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Winston Laylor is the epitome of a legendary educator. Born, raised, and educated in Jamaica, he would further his education in England and the United States before arriving in Bermuda in 1971.

Starting at Sandy’s Secondary, where he taught mathematics and physical education, Mr Laylor would go on to bless the students at Warwick Secondary and the Berkeley Institute during a career in the Bermuda Public School System that spanned four decades.

I remember Mr Laylor as a math teacher of some repute at the Berkeley Institute. He was a stern man, who could share a laugh with his students from time-to-time as well. He had an air of toughness – the veritable personification of the old adage about talking quietly, but carrying a big stick. He was formidable in appearance, demeanour, and aura.

This robustness enabled Mr Laylor to excel in his chosen field, and be recognized throughout his career by appointments to highly revered positions. He worked with Mr Dale Butler to make improvements to the Bermuda Union of Teachers as its Treasurer, served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors at the Adult Education School, was elected President of the Jamaican Association Bermuda, and currently serves as the Jamaican Government’s Honorary Representative to Bermuda – a position which affords him full diplomatic powers to aid, assist, and protect Jamaican nationals in Bermuda.

Mr Laylor has contributed richly to his adapted home country, and continues to help Bermudians who want to study in Jamaica find suitable schools, while also assisting them with the applications processes – which is another duty of his role as the Jamaican Consul to Bermuda.

He is a decorated member of the Bermuda Jaycees, and has also been honoured by the Seventh Day Adventist church for his pedagogic and community involvement.

Bermuda is grateful.

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