An interview with Julia Outerbridge and Janay Trott
Julia Outerbridge, 26, and Janay Trott, 32, are the recipients of the 2018 Dr. Kathy-Ann Louise White Pharmacy Scholarship. We sat down with them to talk about their feelings since the win, their childhood dreams, and advice for people looking to follow in her footsteps.
RG Mags: Where did you study?
Janay Trott: I was accepted into Howard University, Washington DC to begin their Pre-Pharmacy program in 2006. I later transferred to Keele University to continue my chosen career. I am a Pre-Registration Pharmacist in a community pharmacy in Stoke-on-Trent, UK and will be based here for one year. I have planned to return to Bermuda next August 2019.
Julia Outerbridge: I went to Georgia State University, Bermuda College and University of Manchester, where I graduated with Master of Pharmacy with Honours.
RG Mags: What was your reasoning for applying for the scholarship?
JT:Becoming a Pharmacist interested me because my Dad suffered from Sarcoidosis, which eventually took his life. While at Bermuda Institute I was given the opportunity to work in my desired field and the Phoenix Stores opened their doors to me.
JO:I needed the financial assistance, and this scholarship was strictly for pharmacy, so I thought I would give it a shot.

RG Mags: What was the quality that you think shone brightest in your application?
JT:My determination and perseverance.
JO: I think that my straightforwardness and honesty was what caught their eye. I didn’t try to embellish or oversell myself. I was just me.
RG Mags: What was your first reaction to receiving the scholarship?
JT:Feeling blessed and appreciative. I am very grateful to the Phoenix Stores for all of their support and assistance.
JO:I was extremely happy and shocked, I actually thought that my straightforwardness went against me in the interview.
RG Mags: What is the biggest obstacle to pursuing your career goals?
JT: The passing of my father in my first week of university.
JO: For me, it wasensuring that I had the money to pay for university tuition, accommodation and everyday living expenses.
RG Mags: When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up? Has that changed?
JT:I’ve always wanted to be a pharmacist. My journey took longer than expected, but I’m glad that I’ve achieved my goal.
JO:When I was younger, I wanted to be a hairdresser; then with my involvement in various sports I thought about becoming a professional athlete, physiotherapist, and I even thought about being a sports/entertainment manager. Has that changed? Yes indeed!
RG Mags: What personal advice do you give to young people trying to pursue a career in pharmaceuticals?
JT: My biggest advice to young people would be to never give up on your dreams, use life’s obstacles as your motivation.
JO:Do well in all subjects especially your sciences (biology, chemistry and physics, math and English). Take your IGCSE exams seriously and do your best in them. Do your research early on schools you’d like to attend. When you get to university, do not procrastinate. Trust me! Do not make it harder than it needs to be; it will be hard enough. Remember, do not compare yourself to anyone else –– your journey is your journey.
This article was originally published in the September 2018 edition of Rg Scholarships.